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“As someone who’s been lucky enough to be an audience member of Monica’s storytelling, her love of the story and her high regard for her audience is very apparent. A performance by Monica is truly a delight!” –Lori, Librarian


It’s been a while….

Good Morning Everyone, I could easily blame COtoryVD for my lack of activity, truthfully it is just me. Call it nerves, lack of confidence, whatever you will. It is not lack of confidence in my work or knowledge but rather an internal fear. Although in my head and heart most [...]

  • Monica Ladd the Storytainer

What is a Storytainer?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce auctor, nulla eget sagittis mattis, ex tortor viverra mi, ac dignissim enim turpis a quam. Nulla dolor velit, vulputate et tortor luctus, hendrerit ullamcorper nibh. [...]

  • Monica Storytainer

How Does Storytelling Benefit Students?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce auctor, nulla eget sagittis mattis, ex tortor viverra mi, ac dignissim enim turpis a quam. Nulla dolor velit, vulputate et tortor luctus, hendrerit ullamcorper nibh. [...]